domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

My endless curiosity

I am curious person that has to be one of my best and worst qualities. I am curious to the point I wont stop until I get the answers I need or visit the places I feel I need to see. Never fulfilled with just attempting I must go further. I let my curiosity took over and maybe lost myself a bit on it. The thing is not always about attraction to someone I must admit attraction is not even there I believe both sides is more an understanding the only attraction is the kind that makes you want to touch fire even when you know it hurts and I apparently have not burn enough.

Is not even him I truly don't like him he is just not what I look for on a guy he lacks many fundamental qualities for me to want to be around him yet he has enough qualities for me to like him as a person who can be in my life, but he is like a door. Yes a door you spend so much time trying to figure out how to opened it, where is the key, where is the damn god key, you almost a bit obsessed with that door so much that you want to push the door but is not the door you just want to see what is behind it and when you have given up because pushing the door hurt you a bit already, then surprisingly the door is slightly open and you get to see a bit of what is behind.

Now is clear it was never the door I was obsessed about, is what I was guessing was behind it and my guesses were right, and my guesses were wrong, and what is there is not good or bad is worse... is different is exactly the kind of different that makes me curious and become a door, one that could slightly revealed where curiosity took me.

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